Canto Speech Therapy…
one of the first online providers worldwide!
What Is Speech Therapy Online?
Speech therapy online, also called tele-speech therapy or online speech therapy, is speech language pathology services delivered in real-time at a distance through telecommunication, or more simply, it's speech therapy over the internet!
What do I need?
All one needs is a computer and and Internet connection! If you’re able to read this, you already have everything that you’ll need. Most devices today come with built-in cameras, microphones and speakers. And most people have great Internet service.
How Does It work?
Using a video-chat platform, a speech therapist meets with her student and can easily share materials from her desktop. And a student can just as easily share materials from his desktop! This is especially practical when a student needs language support with academic materials that the SLP may not be able to readily access.
Quality & Efficacy
The quality of services online is maintained - it is just like those delivered in "traditional table-top" therapy. Reputable research has confirmed that online speech therapy is an effective treatment delivery system.
Just as in traditional table-top speech therapy, children develop rapport with their speech therapists. Children enjoy using the technology and they make progress!
Other Benefits
A parent who sits with the child during therapy sessions can be trained to help the child with tactile stimulation for correct tongue and lip placement for speech sounds.
And because parents are always present in sessions, Canto's speech therapists take advantage of their presence weaving parental education into our treatment plans. The better parents understand their child’s diagnosis and recommendations, the better equipped they are to help their child develop and maintain new skills. And any “homework” that is given, is easy to do because they see exactly what we are doing without having to send home homework sheets!
That’s why in addition to addressing your child’s needs we also spend time with you to review our findings, to answer all of your questions, to explain why we do what we do in our therapy sessions and to train you in exercises that you can practice with your child between therapy sessions.
Speech Therapy Online is …
… easy, effective, endorsed by the American Speech Language Hearting Association, an evidenced based practice delivery model, available anywhere you may live
Why Canto Online?
Canto was one of the first providers of online SLP services for international families. Well established and trusted, we continue to be the provider of choice for expat- international families worldwide. With over ten years of online experience and over twenty of traditional therapy, our experienced and certified SLPs remain passionate about serving and supporting families and their children.
Parents consider tele-speech therapy online when they can’t find a qualified experienced speech language pathologist in their community.
Perhaps one of the following might describe your situation
Your son, a second grader is struggling with learning to read. He has trouble sequencing sounds, he can’t remember sounds when sounding out words, and he often mixes up letters and words that are similar. You know that a speech therapist can treat children with sound sequencing problems but you can’t find a certified speech language pathologist in your area. Who can you turn to for advice?
Your six-year-old daughter’s speech continues to be difficult to understand. Your daughter’s school suggested a speech therapist locally, but she’s not a native-English speaker, the wait list is too long, the drive is too far or there are scheduling conflicts. What are your options?
You accepted a position overseas. Prior to moving you made certain that speech therapy services for your child on the autism spectrum would be available in your new location. You’re finding, though, that the necessary therapeutic interventions are not as easy to tap into as you had hoped. Who can you talk to?
You currently live in a remote area in the United States. A recent assessment indicated the need for SLP services for one of your children. Getting to the closest SLP is just not practical. How can you get the support she needs?
You’ve just learned that you’ll be relocating to a new post! However you must demonstrate that you can support your child’s needs at the new location. Who can you turn to?
Your 18 month old had tubes placed in both ears to help alleviate chronic ear infections (otitis media). Her speech and language skills are not developing as quickly as they did for your two older children. There are very limited resources in your area. Where can you go for help?
Canto can help!
Canto Speech Therapy offers a full range of speech language pathology services including evaluations, diagnosis and treatments (therapy). online over the Internet.
Our speech language pathologists are native-English speaking, experienced and certified.
Contact Us. We will then set up a time to talk online. We will discuss your concerns about your child and offer suggestions as to how you should proceed.
After our discussion, if you require documentation stating that our speech language pathology service will be available to you either now or at your next post, we will be happy to provide a letter with the necessary information. Again, please contact us and let’s talk.
Our therapy sessions are effective! Canto keeps its tele-speech therapy online platform simple and easy to fancy programs with bells and whistles to boast of. We believe that ultimately it's the speech language pathologist and her experience, knowledge and caring that make for the best speech therapy!